You may or may not know that at the close of our typical guest season, the past several years Bar Lazy J has been the host to an inspiring group of individuals who bring their own magic into an already enchanting place. It’s truly one profound combination. They don’t come for the horses. They don’t come for the food or the activities or even necessarily the mountains. They come for one reason only. To fish—and forget. “Reel Recovery was founded in 2003 by a group of avid fly-fishers, inspired by their fishing buddy’s ongoing battle with brain cancer. Witnessing first-hand the beneficial impact fly-fishing provided their friend, they created Reel Recovery to provide the same opportunity for other men battling the disease. Combining expert fly-fishing instruction with directed “courageous conversations”, the organization provides men with all forms of cancer a unique opportunity to share their stories, learn a new skill, form lasting friendships and gain renewed hope as they confront the challenges of cancer.” – from the The Reel Recovery website( Here was the 2011 group!
*These five above photos compliments of Reel Recovery.* Reel Recovery is a truly remarkable non-profit organization, so this year we were once again privileged to have these fine men among us—sharing their delightful spirits and inspiring stories with us. It was touching to speak with some of them and hear how much this experience meant to them. It filled us with gratitude to be apart of it in some small way.
Equally moving is a marvelous piece Channel 9 News did covering the retreat this year and many of you will recognize the familiar setting! Finally some News worth watching! Check it out!
At the close of their 2 days here, the men gather on the river one last time before they head back out into the world to face the trials that lay before them. But now? With a renewed look at life and and a fresh sense of their own empowerment. And with new friends who have walked the road before them or are walking it with them and are standing nearby—ready with their waders… From their own words: “Thank you for helping me see there’s a light at the end of this tunnel.
I will never forget these few days.” “This Retreat was the most rewarding and uplifting experience of my life.” “I discovered that while fly-fishing, I was in another place. In this place there was no cancer, no pain and no fear.” “Reel Recovery is a gift. Being here has given me the strength and courage
to move forward with my life.” If you’d like to learn more about Reel Recovery and their mission, check out their website at . It is incredible what these guys are doing for one another. One of those things that renews your faith in mankind and impels you to take another look at life around you. With that, the last of our ranch friends packed their things and drove out of the ranch drive as we waved goodbye to the very final guest. We here at the Bar Lazy J would like to offer a huge thank you to Reel Recovery for all they do! And in the words of those inspiring men… “Be well….Fish on!”