Well once again we had a heck of a year here at the Bar Lazy J. There were endings and there were new beginnings. There were tons of old friends and countless new ones. We reflect on all that makes this place so special to everyone who comes down her front drive. It’s not just the river, or the horses, or the food, or the staff, or the cabins, or the views, or the freedom you feel, or kids discovering themselves, or the friendships you make and keep. It’s all of it. And especially all of you. Thank you for making the Bar Lazy J more than just your vacation spot—but a place to reconnect with family, friends and the world around you. 2013 will be one we’ll always remember—if you were able to join us, then you already know! But if you missed it—and we’re sorry if you did–here’s a peek at some of our favorite—or otherwise uh… “memorable”– moments throughout the year: Thanks to all of our amazing staff and all the guests who made it such a great year– Bring on 2014!!