We had an INCREDIBLE 2014 and we owe most of it to all of YOU. Thank you for being a part of one of the best seasons this old ranch has seen in all its 103 years!  As we went through the thousands of photos we have (oh yes—thousands), we were reminded individually of some of our favorite moments throughout the year. We couldn’t post them all, but  here’s a blast back to just some of the fun we shared this past year. And thank you for being a part of our memories every bit as much as we’re a part of yours. We have much to be grateful for this past year and already we’ve got our eyes turned toward the upcoming 2015 season. If you haven’t joined us already, we hope you will come see what all the magic is about and if you’re already on the books with your cabin reserved—the count down has begun until we see you! In the meantime, enjoy this stroll down memory lane—2014 was one for the books with new petting farm animals, new activities, new horses, new staff, new structures, new landscaping and of course—many new guests! But what will never change is the way you feel while you’re here and your desire to return the very moment you leave… 083016020024112132016 (2)062109 (2)071070 - Copy189287302363423428038 - Copy (2)092 (2)052085113 (5)021025027 - Copy061 - Copy291298307320323021 (2)033 - Copy047066132 (2)142171185254319329334340370433443468476 576588026119127 (2)016 (3)052 (2)145150156 (2)15816416818125226426931034236845216391671170017301630015024 - Copy039 (2)086095102127 (3)159183245249261265338006 (3)030042092120166035058073119 (2) 133006 (4)068 - Copy087112 (3)198224235254 (2)257341383422488-001510576-001589-001023033055 (2)096101106124136 (2)170176204276 (2)301343368 (2)379387074084010 - Copy031072 - Copy095 (2)123158 - Copy - Copy181-001 - Copy - Copy185 - Copy - Copy206237239 (2)288-001291 (2)296 325331394 (2)430454 (2)456013021 (3)047 - Copy055 (3)088136 - Copy179 - Copy215274 - Copy277 - Copy297 - Copy159 (2)168 (2)197211240346477003060064086 (2)112 (4)145 (2)166 (2)226354 - Copy417 - Copy437445491596643 (2)64910465432_703994509662146_1894363751956782915_o27432433237310524862_10100969267482431_592812589_n012034 10429320_10202251295392748_1984306492310741662_n10478169_10202250930183618_1373493052296540586_n042 (2)052 (3)086 (3)108169214251264 (2)301 (2)31410527487_10152598448451115_2361184145375129497_n02704409410411412214110302012_10100164397214126_6458062034403235672_n183 (2)194198 (2)212232238248 (2)250254 (3)272275284312317358382447455496526542573608617621630657681688 693703008017030 (2)054 (2)107113 (2)154241022037 (2)050078086 (4)10551579_10204174321615356_6664684428578886780_o10497147_10204174314015166_1484172739080163694_o009043 (2)105145 (3)154 (2)181 (2)193223 (2)267304379 (2)023 (2)029 (2)038 - Copy042 - Copy067078 (3)082083 (2)114 (2)134 - Copy181 (3)208218226 (2)245 (3)267 (2)005 - Copy049 (2)122 (2)132 (4)137 146200 (2)221271290 (2)307 (2)319 (2)339346 (2)363 (3)375 (2)015 - Copy026 (2)033 (2)049086 (5)093 (2)IMG_0040161211 (2)274 (2)017 (2)026 (3)038 (2)146 (2)183 (3)265 (3)319 (3)064126026029047085104120158202IMG_9741162113 (3)237 (2)252 (2)328343 (2)055 (4)058 (3)073 (3)078 - Copy220 - Copy279321397038 (3)520099102 - Copy251 (2)112 - Copy132 - Copy007 - Copy 307 (3)310 (2)343 (3)362 (2)382 (2)402432458468 (2)10628454_10152682662346115_2561091057005573955_n10629750_10152682599621115_1394632950029226923_n10973_10152682599796115_6468090133858572941_n519536586636637012 - Copy018 - Copy025 - Copy075 - Copy086 - Copy089 - Copy174 - Copy505519 - Copy541 - Copy568582 - Copy600608 (2)636 (2)656DSC05485133 (2)222260284 (2)298 (2)337-001392496 (2)535561603607651657 (2)680696 039 (4)261 (2)321 (2)382 (3)443 (2)110145 (4)178187224 (2)285326 (3)329 (2)335371 (2)IMG_0264405 - Copy431464521622654 (2)033 (3)054 (3)130IMG_0425225240 (2)249-002352579609 (2)233 (2)010 (2)IMG_431704510685536_10152348076668240_1544987932509690334_n082 (2)144191234 (2)375406412490492519 (2)577598618 638647709717738744068 (2)070156 (3)283313 (2)332 (2)370 (3)386444445 (2)078 (2)175192348361374 (2)387 (2)401105 (2)125129 (4)062 (2)138034-001044-001164-001043 (4)040-002047-006122 (3)124-001046176 (2)238 (2)094 (2)002032 (2)020 (3)089 (2)016 (4)135340 (2)348 (2)382 (4) Can’t wait to see you this year!!