Having to work on your birthday is usually the pits. Wouldn’t you rather be driving out to some remote trail with wonderful friends and fantastic horses to a hidden lake brimming with great fishing? So would we.  And it just so happens, that’s the way one birthday boy DID spend his day. While at work.       Allow us to introduce the party guests. First? The hitchhiker. We picked up Cowboy Randy and his trusty steed along the dirt road as we headed out. (We thought it was a bit “sketchy”, but we took a chance….) Smile 078 I mean how can you resist THIS FACE? 123 The boss man. 090 The professor. 101 The model. 115 The photo bomber. 112 The prince. 119 The boss lady. 129 The newcomer. 141 And of course. The birthday boy. 087 The WORKING birthday boy. 099       There was probably a photographer in there too somewhere, but it’s hard to say for sure. On the off chance that “she” also writes the blog posts, perhaps she’ll make a quick appearance later in this story. But for now, let’s maintain our focus on the party. The guests arrived and mingled around the punch bowl for a bit saying their hellos. 126133145 Then the party games began. They hit the trail! 148150166 172178184 Birthday boy was enjoying himself immensely. 203 But uhhh….he was going to have to do SOME work….cinch check! 208 It’s not as fun as a piñata, but he was still feeling pretty fortunate.211 We were, after all, headed into THE WILDERNESS. 217222-001225237255257266277643645642623285644631       After miles of trail, rocks, creeks, mud and beautiful views, the guests arrived at the party palace. Horseshoe Lake is one of our favorites! And the pictures in no way do it justice. But they’ll have to do (unless you decide to come see for yourself….hint..hint.) 330511 Up here? All is right with the world. 341 - Copy524 We parked our horses and grabbed our party refreshments! 354 - Copy590557369517 Oh look! A new guest “arrived”! Fashionably late (to post a photo of herself.) 501 Birthday activities consisted of grabbing naps (or uhh…trying to at least)…. 530505 ….While our birthday wrangler rigged up a cowboy fishing pole with a stick, some tail hair from his horse, and the fishing fly he had stuck in his hat. Now THAT’S the way to do it! 380 - Copy385 - Copy399 - Copy453487407 - Copy564 The rest of us sat and soaked up the peacefulness and majesty around us. 417 - Copy443 - Copy464395 - Copy491 Of course a FEW of “the kids” enjoyed chasing marmots and racing up the rock fields. 544 (Can you spot 3 dogs in this picture? They are camouflaged!) 537 And perhaps one of us made snow angels. Perhaps….. (you’ll never prove it…oh wait….DANG IT!!) 587568 And then it was time to load up and head back. But WHAT A PARTY IT WAS!! 604596 Certainly one we’ll never forget and as you can imagine, the birthday boy was smiling from ear to ear! 607613621 A celebratory beverage to commemorate the day and then we hit the road back to the ranch. 649651    Oh, but just because it’s your birthday Bear? Doesn’t mean you get to ride in the front of the truck. (But if you asked either Bear #1 or Bear #2—they would tell you that was just icing on the birthday cake.) 083 Happy Birthday Wrangler Bear!!