DAY 1! As you well know, we got the zip line installed, so all we lacked were some certified operators so we could get to running it!           So on Sunday morning, six brave souls headed out to start their 2-day course to become just that—who knew “school” could be so fun? But then again, I think with these classmates, they could’ve made even Calculus fun (Is that exaggerating? I didn’t say “easier” mind you, I just said “fun”. Let’s clarify that right here and now.)  A professional team flew in from North Carolina to offer the training and our first day began with a trip to Drowsy Water Ranch—good friends of ours who simultaneously installed zip lines on their ranch by the same company from NC. So we combined our training days which allowed us to teach and learn from one another as we went. Our friends at Drowsy were already on day 2 of their training, so we got to be their “dummies” so-to-speak under the watchful eye of our trainers. They were fantastic and we all found ourselves quickly learning “the ropes” (figuratively and literally). Not to mention, we had SO. MUCH.  FUN. As you can see…….              …………….here we are getting harnessed up! DSC08264 DSC08266 Then it was up to the practice zip where we got all the instruction on what to expect and what to do with ourselves. (Our excitement was building…) DSC08271  And then?? DSC08275 Cheri! DSC08279 Jerry! DSC08281 Chad! DSC08312 Dale! DSC08321  Sue! DSC08295 and Tammy! We zipped and zipped (and zipped some more) and instead of wearing us out, it got us hooked. After a long (awesome) day, DSC08324DSC08326DSC08300 DSC08298      we couldn’t wait to get back to the ranch for Day 2 of training on our own zip line! wire DAY 2! After stellar teaching and demonstrations the day before, our second day of training was a breeze. First things first—putting on and adjusting harnesses: and don’t joke about making any mistakes, cause your partner got to suit you up next! DSC08331DSC08334  DSC08336 DSC08339 Then it was up to the top and our own practice zip line. (And we may or may not have laughed at one another’s helmets during the drive.) DSC08341         Just like our horse program, safety comes first. We were quite impressed by all the cutting edge equipment and first-rate safety procedures used throughout the entire process. If you could call something “over-cautious”, this would be it—and we mean that in a very positive way. One of those times, you can’t have too much of a good thing! DSC08342DSC08352     Then it was time for our test runs! DSC08396    DSC08363 DSC08370 DSC08372        DSC08356 DSC08381 You can thank Jerry for doing a little tree trimming on his run down the line…… Now Dale won’t have to climb up there and make Pete do it and do it himself! Thanks Jerry! Very thoughtful! DSC08390 We’d like to thank our wonderful instructors for their mighty fine teaching and getting us all certified. Most fun we ever had in school! (Oh and please don’t let the alarming shortage of people in this photo….uhhh….alarm you. This is no way an indication of survivors. Just the photo-ready ones!) DSC08399      So…….. —drum roll please– the Bar Lazy J River Zip is officially operating!! Let the zipping begin!