Opening week was a BLAST! Seriously we had so much fun with our returning guests and welcoming new ones. And from what we hear, they enjoyed it as much as we did! Look at this good lookin’ bunch of cowpokes! DSC07020 wire           There are lots of new things going on at the ranch this year—some in  honor of our big centennial anniversary and some just to change things up a bit! One is our Wednesday afternoon activity –which I will highlight later this week—but the others are some extra musical entertainment! Tammy will be alternating Tuesday’s with the Cowboy Entertainers on stage in the Rec Barn and since Cheri is not quite up to teaching line dancing yet (sarcasm), we’ve invited Washboard Annie to come entertain on Wednesday evenings as well! She’s a local favorite and we are excited to offer you a show we’re willing to bet you’ve never seen before! Here’s one photo as a teaser, but  you’re gonna have to come see it for yourself! DSC06956 wire A few more pictures from the week: DSC06972 Cheri is on the move! And look! She’s still training young athletes!  DSC07016DSCN0441      Mary and “Kiowa” coming back in from their high country ride and Steve Tom teaches the ranch kids a thing or two about fly fishing. (He’s a good one to do it–he caught 20 one day–including a 17 incher! Whewwee!) DSC07006      Hey! I thought this was an all adult week! Oh wait…..sorry. That’s our wrangler.   Alexis is new to the barn crew this year. She’s 5 foot tall but as tough as they come—love them cowgirls! (It’s the little ones you gotta look out for! And we can tease her cause she knows we love her! Now please don’t hurt me Alexis….*wink* P.S. It’s hard to type while you’re laughing.) 598529_4201826728253_856757948_n     556432_4201828648301_1286646184_n      On adult weeks, we offer a special Friday night activity that visits the Old West.  Buckhorn Saloon was full of wild poker-playin’ cowfolk this week! And one thing about Buckhorn is, you never know who might show up or what shenanigans might go down! (Let that be a warning to ya!) wire Bar Lazy J: Home of the BraveDSC06977      We’d like to thank (thank? <—-depends on how you look at it!) the lovely Mrs. Kelly Donahue—who has been our guest for many, many years–for introducing some of the Bar Lazy J staff to her all-time-favorite sandwich combo: peanut butter and pickles! Yep! You heard it! Here you see Abilene and Sue chowing down—so before you knock it, you may want to give it a try! Who knows—maybe it’s the next PB&J!       Aw yes….I can just hear it now…. “Honey, we go together like peanut butter and pickles…..” Sounds like a winner, don’t it?!