LOOK at how big these kittens have gotten! They were finally old enough to be added to the Kid’s Program and the past few weeks they’ve been getting lots and lots of lovin’. Much to their delight! (The kids and the kittens.) IMGP0675 IMGP0679 Photo caption contest– have to wonder what he’s thinking right here. Probably something like, “ I just woke up. Tell me this picture isn’t going on the blog.” 182159_572360047056_142370603_n wire         We were fortunate to have a special family come and celebrate a big anniversary with us!  Jack and Peggy came with their loved ones in honor of 50 years of marriage, so we wanted to add our own gift of congratulations. Thursday night after dinner, we had a surprise for them! IMGP0094         One of our staff makes special occasion cakes on the side, so we commissioned her for a cake that would highlight their Irish roots at the same time. “50 Years isn’t just the Luck of the Irish” IMGP0048 IMGP0105                         The happy couple was touched to tears. Thank you Jack and Peggy for spending your big day with us! We were thrilled to be a part of it in some small way! Congratulations! IMGP0101 wire         The thing that never ceases to amaze us is how quickly friends are made and how long they are kept here at the ranch. Year after year, we watch friendships form and strengthen from their common ground of their love of this place. It must be part of that ranch magic… IMGP0068 wire So, how about another ‘How To’ lesson from your Bar Lazy J staff?! This week’s segment? Well, let’s just call it….. “A Different Kind of Wrangling”. Step 1. Find your pile and line up your pitchfork. Angle is everything. Don’t overlook this tiny detail. Step 2. Using a scooping motion, swiftly shove the pitchfork underneath the pile. Remember to have confidence in your scoop.  A half-hearted effort will leave you scattering the pile and will double your clean-up time. It’s all about form! IMGP0170IMGP0171 Step 3. Once the pitchfork is full, lift. You will likely spend one full minute trying to add small pieces and manage to drop half your load in the process. This is totally normal and it is appropriate to grumble under your breath. Step 4. Find a place to toss it where it will not be seen, attract flies, or smell. Preferably the back of someone’s pick-up that will be leaving shortly. IMGP0172IMGP0173 **BONUS MOVE**: If you are having difficulty mastering these skills (we’re not laughing at you), the “Side-Foot Sweep” can be used to minimize pile scattering. However, we warn you that if not executed correctly and precisely, it can lead to unfortunate green stains on your socks. We highly recommend boots for this technique (or black socks). Bar Lazy J and it’s affiliates are not responsible for any ruined shoes, clothing, or reputations. IMGP0174   Thank you Kari for your wonderful demonstration and cheery attitude! A smile is always the best part of our staff’s attire! (And a good sense of humor absolutely mandatory!) IMGP0177 wire We have begun incorporating the zip line into our weekly program and the guests are LOVING it—we knew they would! Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, groups of up to 10 at a time can sign up to take the plunge! It’s been quite a hit!  IMGP0195 IMGP0196 IMGP0197IMGP0209 wire  IMGP0692 Horse tip for the week: Do not wash your horses and then leave them in the hot sun to dry. They shrink. However, they do eat less and with hay prices like they are…… “Welcome the the Bar Lazy J! Where your troubles are small and so are the horses!” I like it. Now if we can just figure out how to cross the river…..horse floaties? Might have to look into this one…. wire Jerry and Cheri have more than most people could hope for—a home in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains and friends who come see them yearly—not to mention everyone’s DREAM JOB.  So what do you get for the two people who have everything? Why, horse accessories of course! Thank you Rin for the fun personalized “Jerry’s” and “Cheri’s” hats! Now we won’t get them confused anymore! Whew!  😉 IMGP0660 IMGP0665         We were also pleasantly surprised by this beautiful piece of art in the mail this year. One of the members of our dear guest family actually made this himself in honor of our 100th year! What a treat! And it looks absolutely stunning in the sunny window of our dining room in the lodge. Thank you Marshall Gerry and Kalamity K! We are fortunate to have such wonderful friends! You all spoil us. IMGP0669 So thank you from all of us here at the Bar lazy J!