Our Family Weeks have sadly come to an end, but what a great week we had to close it out! One for the books, that’s for sure! And we had such a large group of kids, we even pulled Miss Tammy out from her “kid wrangling” to do some old fashioned Kid Wrangling—which she was thrilled to come do again for a week!       Now, you didn’t hear it from me, but there might have even been a special appearance in the Kid Program by one of our much loved bosses as well. Can’t say for sure….but IF it really happened, that person’s name might rhyme with “ferry” (ok, that doesn’t narrow it down….hmmmm…) …and be of the feminine persuasion, but I’m not sayin’ for sure! Let’s be honest—part of the magic of each week are the memorable stories you have to tell and we can’t tell all our stories out of class—you gotta come make your own! (But I will tease you a bit more by saying that more than one staff member may have crossed the river on foot that week—see what you’re missing??) So NOW we say goodbye to our kids weeks! But we will try not to be sad as we bid farewell to this– DSC08817 And this… IMGP0709  And even the ranch dogs will miss the extra lovin’! IMGP0715 Sadly, there won’t be any of this… IMGP0719 …..well maybe some of this still though…..they say this is for Gymkhana, but we think that’s just an excuse to finally wear what they want to wear….. Express yourself! IMGP0720 Then Friday night our wonderful guests shared with us their favorite things—it was an emotional evening for both staff, kids and their parents. Very touching as everyone relayed the parts that meant the most to them from a week they’d never forget. And then they even treated US with some staff show entertainment! And we were thoroughly entertained let me tell ya! Thanks guys!! Sooo funny! DSC08996DSC09004DSC09007 Well, MOST of us were entertained anyways…..you know they are having fun when their faces are dirty and they can’t stay up past 8pm! DSC09009    THANK YOU to all of our wonderful kids and their families our closing family week! You guys were a memorable bunch and we love ya! We’ll see ya next year! IMGP0729        But even though we had to say goodbye to our sand-dune-sliding, candy-store-riding, gold-panning, tye-dye-wearing, pizza-on-the-porch-eating, baby-shark-singing, hay-wagon-dancing, water-fightin’, ice-cream-eating kids weeks….. ….that meant we got to say HELLO to some others— our Adults-only Weeks! The last month of the season, when the kids have gone back to school, the ranch opens to a more “mature”  crowd. Wait—what did I just say?? Ok, maybe mature  was the completely wrong terminology….. DSC09019…but certainly entertaining! (To say the least!) I believe this one will have “to be continued”…. more on the way….