Leaving from the annual DRA convention where we always feel rejuvenated and refreshed after spending several days sharing ideas and laughs with ranches from around the country. These are some of our favorite people and you’ll never find a closer knit group of “competitors”. We all share everything we have to keep the industry thriving and provide places where folks will hopefully be able to come for another 100 years to disconnect from their stresses so they can reconnect with themselves and their family. We love to share these beautiful places with guests who become family too.
The Auction Night raises money for both the association and the Dude Ranch Foundation—there’s even raffle tickets for a young, broke ranch horse! Always a favorite evening as generous donations are generously bid on.
We highly recommend checking out the recently released documentary “Long Rider”. Soon to be a major motion picture, Felipe came and shared his amazing and inspiring story of his horseback ride from Calgary to Brazil. We bought copies of his book that will be in the library to check out while you’re here!